Endurance is among the eight attributes found in Elden Ring that directly impacts the stats of your character. This attribute directly relates to Elden Ring Runes how much Stamina you have.The higher the amount of Endurance Attribute Attribute points you accumulate, the more Stamina your character gains. All attacks within Elden Ring consume Stamina, this makes endurance essential for any kind of build.
To create a strategy around your Stamina it is vital to understand the other Attributes in Elden Ring, so you pick which one is best for your playstyle.Endurance can also impact the Robustness statistic in Elden Ring. Robustness is the stat that determines your character's resistance to frostbite and hemorrhage.
One reason why endurance is crucial is the fact that it also impacts Equip Load.This stat determines how much weight you can carry, and Elden Ring Runes for sale thus determines what kind of armor, shields or weapons you could carry , without impacting your movement.