In this way, the website allows users to get into Consumer Email List the role of the director, since they will be able to decide certain contents. With the options you can change the costume and the environment or even summon the artist herself. DojaCode Programming Consumer Email List How does Doja Cat's encodable interactive music video work? To access this experience, all you have to do is go to Dojacode where we are greeted by a futuristic image of Doja Cat that Consumer Email List becomes pixelated as we drag the mouse across the screen.
On the next page we see three stars , each of Consumer Email List which represents a different programming language: yellow for CSS, blue for Javascript, and pink for Python. Once the video clip is clicked, the experience begins. It plays the same as the original Consumer Email List piece, only that we will have to make decisions throughout it. Kind of like a choose your own adventure game, but with code. The timeline at the bottom of the screen contains four color-coded stars that Consumer Email List show when the video will stop and what programming language will be displayed.
When the video stops we can fill in the Consumer Email List blank spaces in addition to the lines of code. For example, the first pause allows you to change the color of Doja Cat's nails using CSS. In another scenario, entering a city name changes the video's time Consumer Email List of day. “We know firsthand that girls and young women are some of the most powerful creators and changemakers today,” said Tarika Barrett , CEO of Girls Who Code, in a statement. "However, very Consumer Email List few know that they can have a career in computer science , and that it can open up a whole future of possibilities to fuel their passions," she concludes.