In some instances there are times when it is possible that the Add or Remove Program feature within any Operating systems of Microsoft could not function. It could be due to the absence of log files, or other technical glitch that may persist on your system. There are occasions that the emergence of viruses make it difficult to use. However, we suggest that you follow the usual steps to see whether you can use the Add or Remove Programs feature performs. It is possible to do this in the same manner by repeating steps.

Microsoft Office 2007 can be installed and then removed by making use of its Add or Remove Programs feature within Microsoft's Windows operating system, by default. Uninstall issues arise when a component of Office is removed, but the whole package isn't. This is why you will need to search for an alternative procedure. It is suggested that you follow this procedure only when the standard setup does not perform for your system. There's no reason to go through the hassle even if your default system functions. It's a six-step difficult process however.
The first step is to start the installer using the Start menu after that, Run. Enter installer, and then press Return. When you are in the folder for installer, you must to display the information that you can access by clicking the Details View tab of the top ribbon. All you have to do is sort them by name to help you to find the .msi files that you have to get rid of. After sorting them, you can uninstall all files with Microsoft Office (Product name) 2007 by right-clicking them and then clicking uninstall.
The next step is to stop the Office the source engine. Utilize the service program to end this service. They are easily accessible within the System Administration menus in the Control Panel or by simply typing services.msc within the Run window in each of Windows XP and Windows Vista. Next, you must eliminate all folders associated with Microsoft Office 2007 in the Program Files folder in the volume you will use to install the software you want to install. It is also necessary to remove the folders with the names Office or Source Engine. Do a search for all folders that are part of Microsoft's Office Package and delete them completely.
In the fourth stage, you must delete all the files involved to install the software. They can be found within the Template folder, as well as The temp folder. These files may also be inside the Data folder, which is located in the directory that is associated to Users as well as Groups. The next step is somewhat complex as you must eliminate all registry entries. It is as easy as entering regedit into the Run box on the start menu. Search and delete all registry keys that are associated with Microsoft for rendering as well as Office as the software.
The only thing you have to do is restart the system properly. When you reboot the machine, Microsoft Office 2007 would be completely removed on your machine.