Working on creating a customized email list report or book each day can help you concentrate on achieving your goals. Carving time out of your routine to write this customized email list report or book assures that you would be equipped when that time comes to share it with others. Blog on a regular basis Blogging on a regular basis helps you market your life email list coaching services by sharing bits of information with those who are looking for help or solutions to a problem in that particular area.
Understandably, it can be hard to email list get in the routine of writing a daily blog, so perhaps you can start out by blogging on a regular basis, whether email list it is every day or once a week. This should quickly become a force of habit.. Speak to local groups and clubs The key to doing email list well with marketing your life coaching services is being able to speak to local groups and clubs.
Many coaches, however, don't email list know how important this really is! By simply standing up in front of a group and telling your story, i.e., how you had the same problem they have now, and how you applied your unique solution to that problem, you will not only get their attention, but email list their names and email addresses as well (and you should get these)! Offer each member a free gift - either on the spot in exchange for their card - or through email list an online opt-in page.