In other words, the context in which Bolsonaro came to the Presidency was already marked by a growing "Americanism" in Brazilian society, which included a strong rejection of everything that could be associated with the left and endorsed new forms of social Whatsapp Mobile Number List authoritarianism in against racial, ethnic and sexual minorities8. The conservative crusade of Bolsonarism, the large number of military officers in government and the promise of a free market capitalism shock sponsored by the Chicago boy Paulo Guedes would well synthesize the new ideological convergence between “Americanism”, liberalism and authoritarianism.
The victorious economic project in the 2018 elections would propose a series of antagonistic guidelines to the neo-developmentalist and income distribution model that marked the governments of the pt above all . Between the governments of Fernando Henrique Whatsapp Mobile Number List Cardoso and Dilma Rousseff, a precarious consensus had been generated between the State and the Brazilian elites that South American integration constituted a business opportunity to expand the defense industry and internationalize various companies (especially construction companies). , who received cheap credit from the National Development Bank9. Concrete space practices emerged from this regional project, such as the formation of the IIRSA and the South American Defense Council of UNASUR.
The 2013 crisis, however, put an end to this precarious agreement between the State and the economic establishment and gave rise to the emergence of a new neoliberal consensus, based on a rhetoric of meritocracy and individual entrepreneurship to the Whatsapp Mobile Number List detriment of the construction of citizenship and collective social Whatsapp Mobile Number List framework, Bolsonaro deepened the austerity measures, setbacks in terms of labor rights and indiscriminate economic opening initiated by the Temer government. Among them, the privatization program (especially in the energy sector), the pension reform and the end of the minimum wage policy and the promotion of national industrial content stand out.