Everything you do as a company or organization has to Whatsapp number database do with your brand. Branding only works if your employees also act from your brand, speak the language of the brand and understand the motivations. For example, there is a holiday park that consciously includes employees in the idea behind their Whatsapp number database positioning. They don't just tell employees what we do ("We are a family park for a day trip or a multi-day stay").
They also let them know how and why ('We do everything we can to Whatsapp number database ensure that our guests have an unforgettable stay'). Because employees include this essential brand idea in their daily actions, real consistency is created in communication Whatsapp number database towards different target groups: day recreation, accommodation recreation and employer brand. roller coaster 9. Pay specific attention to your employer's brand Continuing with Whatsapp number database the previous point your employees are worth gold in the 'burning' of your company or organization.
So keep this in mind when recruiting new colleagues. Tell them about your brand positioning and emphasize its importance. If you are Whatsapp number database an energetic, enthusiastic company, be honest and clear in the vacancy that you are not looking for gray mice. Or vice versa A major additional advantage of a clear, outspoken employer brand is that branding works for you here too.