Like Doncicand Gilgeous, the Argentinean is still struggling to make a consistent effort in his shot. He's only hitting 42.4 per cent of field-goal shots this year. The 23-year-old has to get better in that area however, there's no other complaints with NBA 2K22 MT his current game. This is the sixth update to Basketball 2K22 in the time since the beginning of regular-season play. The next update will be available in two weeks, on February. 11.
A brand-new NBA 2k22 update was released today, January 24, 2022, for next-generation systems (PS5, Xbox Series X). To date we have not received the NBA 2K22 updated patch notes for version 1.013 are still hidden however, some significant gameplay changes are noticeable. Due to the sheer size this update brings, you might not receive the patch notes for version 1.013 until the end of the year.
The latest-gen updates for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were announced for PS4 along with the Xbox One last April 8. The patch is version 1.10 which is said to be a 17.5GB increase for PS4. According to reports it is believed that this version of the Xbox One will feature a capacity of 30GB.
Several players in 2k21 reported an ineffective team selection as well as jersey functions in multiplayer mode. But the game's developers have not solved the issue. In addition, the multiplayer of 2K22 will require you to play quarters of five minutes, on a basic difficulty level. This bug, however, is restricted to 2K22's next-generation console editions. Users of PC and Buy NBA 2K Coins older devices haven't complained about this restriction. Worse, it's been four months, and 2k still hasn't addressed the issue.